
Welcome to our blog. We document our adventures in marriage, parenting and regular everyday stuff. Hope you have a nice stay!

Embryo Adoption

Our hearts have long been burdened - in a very good way - to become adoptive parents. Between raising our three children and life in general, we have struggled to find the right time and more importantly - the right need.

That's what has driven our passion for adoption all along - filling a need. We have seen so many people be so blessed by meeting needs through adoption, and we have such a loving, happy home that it just has always seemed to be the right thing to do. For more information on why this is a need, check out THIS link. 

So please pray for us - and the donating family. There is still a lot about this process that is daunting and challenging to say the least! But we know God is with us - and we thank him that you are with us along the way!

Why Embryo Adoption?